is an idea

I had been carrying around in my head for many years. Many argue that “doodles” is too silly of a verb for what I do and not sophisticated enough of an adjective for what I create. I think it’s a perfect title for what lies within. Art shouldn’t be taken so seriously. Well, perhaps sometimes the content or the images of art can be quite serious, but for the most part, I like to state that art is rather fun. I never complained about having to draw, or illustrate, or paint anything. I love creating art and when I do I feel like I’m indeed… doodling.

But, seriously: the legal stuff

When a person creates a sculpture, writes a song, paints a painting, or illustrates a book, the images created by that person belong to that person. In other words, it’s not yours. You are legally able to view it, share it, even print it out on your color printer and push pin it onto your work board or prop it up on your fridge with a magnet. The legality of it is quite simple: you may not steal an artist’s creation for profit or take credit for it.

Some examples of when you’re breaking the law

If you trace over something or study a piece of art by someone you admire and make it look pretty damn close to the original, that’s bad. If you do, however, change some colors, do it in a completely different medium with a few tweaks, it’s okay. It should be recognizably different than the original. If you don’t make it recognizably different you’re creating a forgery—illegal!

If you print out a painting and blow it up, frame it, and sell it, that’s bad. But you can print it out and decoupage it onto a toilet cover and frame it with a toilet seat and sell it as fine art. Go figure.

If you’re not sure and it feels like you’re stealing someone’s creation and taking credit for someone’s art, that’s bad. Art and creativity, ideas and processes, color schemes and lines of notes float in and out of 7 billion people and travel through unthinkable miles of internet. We can’t possibly exist without taking from some and giving to others. I ask that you just make a conscious effort not to cheat, lie, and steal.


So you want to take a screen grab and use it on your desktop… great. If you want something more than that—print, publish, distribute, use for manufacturing something, produce a show, use in a book, frame for sale at a boutique, or anything similar, please let’s discuss. You can ask a question, reply, or comment to one of the posts with your name, email, and request and I’ll do my best to respond. If I do find that you’ve stolen and used one of my creations for profit, I’ll come after you with the full force of the law, with a really good lawyer, and make pay-back a bitch.

Illustration Fees

I am a professional and experienced illustrator. I’d love to be considered for your next design, editorial, packaging or other visual communication project. Contact me via a reply or comment to a post you like. Please send your name, company, email or phone number and I’ll respond as soon as I can.

Most of the content in this site is created and authored by Miyuki Sena. Copyright Reserved by Miyuki Sena. If I didn’t create it, I will give credit to whomever did. Thank you for visiting